Well I have to say this week kind of feels like finals week to me. Not a moment to breathe but I have to keep running. I know we have two weeks left of school after this one but, this is my power week. Currently I am writing my last research paper of my undergraduate career and I have to say, it feels lovely! Well, not writing it, but seeing the end in sight. Yay!
However, in my design world...
1) My biggest project in the past two weeks has been my website. It went through three redesigns and a server crash but somehow made it out on the other end. It feels good to have accomplished that. I had never worked with any kind of web before so I was proud of myself for what I did. I feel like my home page still needs something to spice it up some more but I am happy with the rest of it. Web is definitely different from print in so many ways. It's very interesting. While my preference is print because that's where my heart is, the web feels like this whole new world for me that could be fun to explore some more.
2) Mix went to the printers! Yahoo! However, this week I designed a mock cover for the publishers' media kit. I really liked how it turned out. They wanted the focus to be on food but somehow still go with their main feature story sell line they gave me. I think this one worked well. I had a lot of fun with it. Now we're all gearing up for our presentations to Meredith Corp. Our presentation is on May 5th and while it seems like a lot of people were nervous, I think I am just more excited. We have lived with and created this magazine and I am happy to present it.

3) This week I am currently working on the Pets Issue and Global Journalist. My first design of Global Journalist is due Friday and production of the Pets Issue is all weekend. I am very excited for both. The story I have is a serious one for GJ and then the Pets Issue is the exact opposite so it will be great to kind of work on polar opposite things.
Our style guide is done for the pets issue but Julia and I need more text before our feature on pet boarding can go any further. I really like our style guide. I think we came up with something fun and playful that isn't elementary. I'll share pictures next week!
My response is more of an irritated rant. Where the heck did this swine flu come from and why is it necessary?? I was supposed to be leaving for Cancun the day after graduation and now, not so much. Stupid flu! Any ideas of where I should go instead?
I was browsing the net and I found on magculture this comparison of before and after Interview flags from one Art director to another. I thought it was really interesting to see two different takes on the same magazine. I like the current one much better, but I thought it showed an interesting transition. (The first one is old, the second is current.) 

Well after watching this blog the entire semester there has not been one new post. I'd say it's safe to say you can take this one off of your list Jan. However, I went back and saw these really great spreads from New York Times Magazine. I know they're older but I love them. They just have such strong and fantastic concepts. I like.